Health Challenge Meeting Tuesday July 5: Addiction and Substances

Dr. Dave Donohue will host the July 2022 edition of Health Challenge on Tuesday July 5 at 6:30-8pm ET, on Zoom

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 923 3627 1490 Passcode: 129622 One tap mobile +16465588656,,92336271490#,,,,*129622# US (New York) +13017158592,,92336271490#,,,,*129622# US (Washington DC)

This month we will discuss the fascinating topic of addiction. How does our brain get addicted to unhealthy behaviors, and trick us into continuing these behaviors even when we know they are unhealthy?

From deadly addictions like opioids, to less deadly addictions like eating dessert, all addictions involve the similar brain machinery.

We will explore the science of addiction and will help you learn some approaches you might take to overcome your own addictions.

Join us! It is totally free!