Prevent Cancer with Food! Food for Life Cancer Project Classes Start 6/21.
In this one-of-a-kind class series, the power of foods in preventing cancer and improving cancer survival is presented. You will learn what foods have been shown to greatly reduce cancer risk as well as foods to avoid given their ability to promote cancer growth (or even cause cancer). The same foods that prevent cancer also promote weight loss, lower blood pressure and lipid levels, and reduce the risk of and even reverse type 2 diabetes. Each class includes demonstrations of how to prepare several tasty dishes with high-fiber and low-fat foods loaded with antioxidants and phytochemicals. Tastings of all foods prepared are provided. Classes also provide information about replacing dairy and meat with delicious and healthy alternatives.
Location: First Unitarian Church, 730 Halstead Rd. (all purpose room) Parking is provided. After turning onto Whitby Drive from Concord Pike, the church is immediately on your left. There is a large parking lot on the right. Enter through the main church doors that face Whitby Drive.
Dates: Weekly on Thursdays - 6/21, 6/28, 7/5, and 7/12
Time: 6:45 - 8:00 pm
Cost: The 4-class series is $100. You may also register for individual classes for $25 per class.
Register: Online or by calling Progressive Health at (302) 543-5454.