Advanced Heart Health


Heart disease is 90% preventable.  We want to teach you how.

This scientific program is like nothing else available.


Advanced Heart Health combines

  1. Advanced blood testing and imaging. Lp(a), ApoB, homocysteine, hsCRP, Coronary CT Angiogram, and much more.

  2. Scoring your cardiovascular risk, using the most relevant scientific risk calculator.

  3. Medical visits with our heart disease prevention experts, who use advanced evidence based clinical algorithms based on the latest science.

  4. Advanced, evidence based therapies proven to improve heart health. Examples: colchicine, rivaroxaban, SGLT-2 inhibitors and GLP-1 agonists.

  5. Advanced biometrics including VO2max testing, body fat, functional measures, 1-rep max testing

  6. Skill-building exercise sessions in our medical gym, supervised by Clinical Exercise Physiologists.  Includes: eccentric strengthening, Mindful Strength Training to Failure, and advanced high-yield exercise techniques designed for people with limited time and interest in being in a gym

  7. Customized strength and tracking to ensure progress

  8. In-person education in our cooking lab, to learn the skills of super foods. Includes Food for Life instruction.

  9. Online education, featuring the best that science has discovered to prevent and reverse heart disease

Price: $199 per month or $499 for 3 months, covers use of the exercise facility and professional testing and instruction.

Your health insurance generally covers the office visits, testing, and medications.

When does it happen? Tuesday and/or Thursday afternoons. Included in Advanced Heart Health membership: You may also participate in our Phase 3 Rehab Program and attend our medical gym after hours.

Where? At our Medical Fitness Center at 3411 Silverside Rd, Springer Building, Wilmington DE 19810.

Recommended participation: Attend our facility one to two times weekly, for

  • 1 hour of fitness testing + training in our medical gym, facilitated by experts, and

  • 1 hour of heart healthy education and skill building in our education room.

Recommended membership: We will show improvements of your risk factors in 3 months. Successful participants will be stronger, fitter, and feel better. You may participate for shorter or longer.

This program is flexible. We provide MANY services that are not provided elsewhere. You can choose your own adventure and attend the exercise sessions and the education sessions that work best for your schedule. Whatever path you choose, we will be at your side, measuring your heart health, and ensuring that you make progress.