Be Well 10/2 Reminder

Mark your calendar for the next monthly Be Well session on Tuesday, October 2nd at 6:00 pm! Karen Smith, RD will debunk some common myths about plant-based diets and bring samples and recipes of easy-to-prepare plant-based dishes.

Bring a yoga or exercise mat to participate in yoga led by Gregg Crabill, who will also share his inspiring story of how yoga transformed his health.

There will be time for participants to share successes and challenges and help each other problem solve as well as ask questions of the presenters. Class is held in the all-purpose room of the First Unitarian Church of Wilmington located at 730 Halstead Rd. Enter through the main church doors of Whitby Drive. The cost of a Be Well 12-month membership is $100. Your insurance will be charged for each class you attend. You will not be billed or charged a copay or deductible.


BE WELLKaren Smith