March 2025 Announcements from Progressive Health
Medicare Telehealth Coverage Ends in April
Medicare’s expanded telehealth coverage, introduced during COVID-19, will expire on March 31. While Congress was close to a bipartisan consensus on a two-year extension, Elon Musk ordered the 2-year extension withdrawn in January.
So with regrets, if you have Medicare, you must come to our office to see your provider.
Stress Management and Behavioral Health
Progressive Health is excited to offer a new service for our patients who struggle with stress, anxiety, or any kind of mental health challenge. This unique offering is covered by Medicare (for now) and other health insurers.
We have partnered with a company called Nudj Health, who deliver a strong evidence-based program that helps things like anxiety, depressed mood, chronic pain, addiction, and other mental health challenges, through a healthy lifestyle.
To our knowledge, no one else is offering this service in our area.
The results speak for themselves. Very dramatic improvements in all these conditions after completing their 16-week program.
What is involved?
You will have an assigned therapist, such as a Licensed Clinical Social Worker background. You will speak with them at least once a month. You will be encouraged to attend 1 or 2 online meetings per month.
Does my insurance cover this?
Medicare and Medicaid do. Private insurance does also but standard copays and deductibles do apply.
How can I sign up?
You may receive a communication from Nudj to ask if you would like to participate. If you do, I encourage you to give it a try. It could be really helpful!
The Fitness Lab at Progressive Health Institute
Functional, Strength, and Body Composition Testing at Progressive Health
Progressive Health is proud to be the only medical practice around who does this.
Come meet our friendly and skilled Exercise Physiologists and get tested! At your 1-hour visit, you will perform feats of strength like hand grip, pushups, and squats. For estimation of your endurance (VO2 max), we will ask you to get on the treadmill.
About every 2 months., we perform a body composition scan so we get an estimate of your body fat, visceral fat, and muscles in your arms, torso, and legs.
We almost always find something you did not know! Getting measurements is a critical step to being able to ensure you make progress. Often people need a tweak or 2 to their weekly routine, to stay strong and independent.
At the end of your visit, your EP will help you craft the perfect exercise program. Usually we find people are doing some good exercise but neglecting other important areas, for example leg strengthening.
Does insurance cover my visit?
Yes! We may have to check with your insurer to be sure.
You cannot do this assessment if you are currently seeing a physical therapist.
How often should I check in with my EP at Progressive Health?
Even a single visit can be super beneficial. If you are serious about making changes to build strength and endurance, then we strongly recommend you return every 1 to 2 months to make sure you are on track.
Call for an appointment. 302-543-5454
March Plant-Based Potluck
Sunday, March 9th 5:30 p.m., First Unitarian Church of Wilmington DE, Parish Hall
Want to join super friendly people in your community for a wonderful healthy dining event? Join Dr. Zarek and Dr. Donohue Sunday, March 9th at 5:30 p.m at the First Unitarian Church Parish Hall. Bring a dish to share that is 100% plant based and nut free. Non alcoholic drinks will be provided. Bring your own plates, utensils, cups, etc. for easy clean up. All are welcome!
730 Halstead Rd, Wilmington, DE
Please register here: